If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. If you would like to contact the doctor during business hours, please call any of our many locations. If you are a patient of record and wish to reach the doctor on call after business hours, call 512-244-0111 and the phone message system will direct you.
Patients will be seen by appointment, except for emergencies, which will be seen as soon as possible. If you need to change or cancel your appointment, we ask that you contact us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time. However, do not hesitate to call even if it is the day of your appointment.
For patients who were referred to our office by another physician, please be sure we are aware of his or her name and address. If your insurance requires a referral from that physician, we ask that you request it prior to your visit. Unless otherwise indicated, it is customary for us to send your doctor a written report of our findings and treatment.
We require payment at the time of service for office visits and procedures for all patients (this includes deductible, co-insurance and co-payment for insured patients). We require a deposit of estimated patient responsibility (including deductible and co-insurance) for electively scheduled procedures and at the first visit following emergency surgery. We accept cash, cashiers check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express and Care Credit.
We will assist you in filing an insurance claim if you provide us with your insurance card and appropriate information. We participate in many medical health plans and accept assignment on Medicare claims as a courtesy to our senior patients. Statements are mailed at least monthly and accounts not paid within 60 days are considered delinquent. Arrangements should be made if you cannot pay in full during that period.